Missions Committee at the Manna food drive
From its beginning over 50 years ago, The Inter-Faith Chapel has held a long standing commitment to missions. The commission to reach out to others in need and to be the Church beyond these walls remains central to our ministry. We are currently engaged in thirty local, national, and global missions. The Missions Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating the mission support program and strives to involve the entire congregation in many of these outreach and service opportunities. Through these mission partnerships, The Inter-Faith Chapel provides opportunities to promote justice and to meet the real needs of our community, country, and world.
The supported programs focus on hunger, homelessness/poverty and people with disabilities. In addition, the committee sponsors two community wide food drives a year to benefit Manna, Montgomery County’s food bank. Recently, Missions has also conducted a bedding drive for A Wider Circle and coordinated the Red Wiggler farmers’ market in August. Red Wiggler provides meaningful employment to adults with disabilities and teaches skills related to growing and selling produce.
REd Wiggler Farmers’ Market
Souper Bowl donations for a local food pantry
Bedding Drive for A wider Circle